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The Pedigo's have an extensive list of accomplishments when it comes to writing, singing and recording some of the most renowned Christian Music. Check out some of their albums below.

Touch of Grace
Let Everything That Has Breath

Story Behind The Song 

This was sort of an assignment song. I had just left a Pentecostal Music Association meeting where were we had been researching praise and worship in the scripture and came across Psalm 111:10.

"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do his commandments: his praise endureth for ever.” 

The idea that His praise will endure whether I praise Him or not brought home the responsibility that we all have to return thanks and praise for all He has done. We actually do praise Him, as Creator, every time we move and breathe, but that isn't the same as uttering the words of our own free will. 

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo 3/18/03 Pedigo Publishing 2004 

Verse 1
We've come into His gates
With thanksgiving and with praise
We've come into His courts to bless His name
We've come with open hearts
We've come with lifted hands
We've come to magnify the risen Lamb We praise Him with stringed instruments
On the trumpets and the drums
But there's one praise that He's worthy of
That's required of everyone
Let everything that has breath
Let everything that has breath

2x each chorus

Let everything that has breath
Praise the Lord
Every nation, tribe, and tongue
Should be praising Him as one
Every heart and every soul in one accord
Praising Christ, the Risen King
Who is Lord of everything
The One who was, and is, and is to come
We praise Him for His majesty
For His goodness from above
We praise Him for His power and grace
For His pure redeeming love


We ought to thank Him for all He has done
For life, for strength, for victories won
There's no other like Him and no other name
So worthy of worship, of honor and praise

By The Grace Of God

The chorus and bridge to this song came very quickly at a moment when I felt particularly overwhelmed by all of the goodness in my life. I have been blessed in so many ways. I've also made my share of mistakes. Through it all God's grace and mercy has been a constant companion. I had tried to finish this song for about five years. I cannot tell the number of times I wrote and rewrote the verses. Nothing ever worked! Until that Tuesday morning... 

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo
Pedigo Publishing 2004

When you look at me
You see nothing special
When you hear me speak
You hear words of a common man
Sure, I've got flaws
And at times I've disappointed
And I'll be the very first to say
I've benefited from God's grace.
I'm standing here by the grace of God
Not by my strength nor the path I've trod
Not my holiness, righteousness, or a sinless heart
I'm standing here only by the grace of God.
I don't have to say
That I'm far short of perfect
But I hope it's evident
God's working on me
And I'm thankful everyday
For a tender hand of mercy
That covers over my mistakes
Unmerited, amazing grace.

No matter how hard I look, I find nothing good in me
No help, no inner strength that could ever set me free
I had no power within that could wash my sin away
There's one reason, one reason alone

A Hand Of Mercy

I was having a difficult time figuring out how to inspire all of the actors and singers in our Easter Drama to new and greater heights one year. How do you tell the same story year after year with freshness? How do you compete with Hollywood and all of the movie magic and special effects? We aren't professional actors and singers. We are just church members doing the best we can. Will anyone even show up in the audience? If they do, can we measure up to their expectations? I sat at my kitchen table with my Bible open searching for a scripture ... something that would inspire me ....the director. The Lord gently spoke to my heart and simply said, “Just tell my story. Tell of the miracles and of my love. Once again show them my sacrifice and I'll do the rest.” With tears in my eyes and new found inspiration the story began to roll off my lips to the tune of this very simple song. 

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo 

Pedigo Publishing 2004


A hand so withered 

A body weak 

Eyes that were blinded 

Lips that could not speak 

Lives that were wasted 

Feet that were lame 

Each one left shattered 

Until He came. 

With a hand of mercy 

And a touch of grace 

Words of compassion 

That look upon His face 

All of the brokenness 

Washed away 

By a hand of mercy 

With a touch of grace. 

Bitter and broken 

My heart diseased 

In all my trying 

There was no saving me 

Then I surrendered 

I bowed at His feet 

And I felt a cleansing 

Wash over me.

He Is

Obviously, I didn't write this song, but from the first time that Adena and I heard it we knew that we wanted to record and sing it. 

Words & Music: Dennis Wilson 

Spring Hill Publishing 

Some say He was just a prophet, 

Some say He was just a man 

Others claim He could heal the sick 

With just one touch of His hand 

He's been called a teacher 

A man of philosophy 

But I'm here today to tell you 

Just who Jesus is to me. 

He's the Healer, Revealer, the Son of Righteousness 

Messiah, Provider, in Him I put my trust 

‘Cause with His holy blood He purchased my liberty 

Say what you will, I know He's real 

That's who Jesus is to me. 

I would like to hear tonight 

What Bartimaeus would have to say 

After Jesus touched his blinded eyes 

And gave him back his sight that day 

Or the man whose hand was withered 

Jesus made it just like new 

Or Jarius' little daughter 

Who Jesus called back from the tomb. 


(He's holy) I'm gonns bless His name 

(He's Worthy) He's worthy to be praised 

(Redeemer) My coming king 

He's the giver of the song 

He's the reason that I sing. 


He's holy, He's worthy 

Redeemer, His name is Jesus (X 4)

In His Name

I can still remember many of the messages I heard as a young boy growing up in the church. Some made me happy, some made me cry, and some scared me to death. I was having a conversation with friends about when we received the Holy Ghost when I began to recall the sermon. It was in May of 1969 in Corsicana, Texas in a small white framed church house during a Friday night Fellowship meeting. I, like most, could take you back to the spot where I knelt at the altar and gave my heart to the Lord. While the torrential rain fell on the roof of that little church house that night the Holy Ghost rained down in my soul. I've revisited that church building several times over the years and I can truly say that I've never been the same since the night God rearranged my heart. Another Tuesday song ... 

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo 

Pedigo Publishing 2004

I can still remember when I was just a kid

Hearing that Preacher talking about a darkness within

Said our hearts were black as coal and they were crusted with sin.

Said push that evil away and it'll just creep back again.

He told about the cleansing power of a crimson flow

He told about a healing balm for a weary soul

He told how a sinful heart could be completely changed

So I repented of my sin and went down in Jesus Name.

Well I've never been the same

Since I went down in His name

Since I heard that call of love

Since He wrote my name above

He took all my filthy stains

Washed them away along with guilt and shame

My whole life got rearranged

And I've never been the same

Since I went down in His name.

I don't have words to say exactly how I feel

But I know God's love is pure and I know His touch is real

Those healing waters flowed down over my heart

Brought forth a brand new man and took away every scar

Well, I know I'm not perfect, I've got a long way yet to go

But I know who is my Master now and I know who's on the throne

His blood still has the power to wash and heal my soul today.

He handed me that promise when I went down in His Name.

Love Them While You Can

The idea for this song was inspired by both of my parents and is dedicated to the memory of my father, George Orville Pedigo (1916 - 2001.) Not all of the lyrics apply to their lives, personally, but the concept of holding onto that which is most important is what they attempted to place in all of the children of our household. Dad loved to play his guitar or 5 string banjo and sing for all the kids. Most of the songs were just little limericks or rhymes that he made up, but we didn't care. My father was a great storyteller. He loved nothing more than getting all of us kids, and later all of the grandchildren, up in his lap and spinning some elaborate tale of adventure and travel. Dad had almost no formal education but he had one of the most vivid imaginations I have ever known. I think back now to the times he would set me in his lap with one of the volumes of the Encyclopedia Brittanica just to see what we could learn. He didn't read very well but he made sure that every two weeks or so my sister, Martha, and I got to go to the public library to check out a fresh set of books . It was sometime after his passing that I began to reminisce on these things and suddenly recalled that I had never asked him about his life growing up on the farm in Oklahoma. I knew that he had served in the army and was stationed in Chicago for a while, but I had never asked him what it was like to serve in the Korean War. Now I'm sure there are a thousand questions I'd like to ask, but ...... Some lessons are learned the hard way. You may find this song to be nothing more than sheer sentimentality. However, I hope it will cause you to consider all the questions that you might want to ask right now. Remember that “affection knows no limit to those who let it show. So, pull your loved ones close to you and never let them go. You'd better hold them and love them while you can.” 

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo 
Pedigo Publishing 2004 

Precious little fingers and tiny little toes
A wonder that escapes us here, that heaven only knows
Yet we accept the privilege and awesome task
Of watching them grow.Turn for just a moment, time slips away
Long before your heart's aware it's graduation day
And you're left holding pictures and memories of those days
You better hold them, hold them, and love them while you can.
He reads the morning paper and never meets her eye
They dress for work, then out the door with hardly a goodbye
Kids off to the sitter, with more importance on what lies ahead
Than the ones behind
What happened to the laughter and walks out in the park
Those magic moonlit moments with candles chasing dark
A hundred treasured (million measured) memories brought back by a card
You better hold them, hold them, and love them while you can.
Because time is a thief and a robber of life
Time speeds your days, then time steals you blind
Then all of those treasures that matter most in life
They just slip away........
Wavy hair of silver, and eyes growing dim
Stories that are locked away, places they have been
Volumes of experience with wisdom left unknown
Forgotten now, to remember then.....
Once they held you close to heart and kissed the pain away
They listened as your heart poured out, to every word you'd say
Then brushed the tears back bravely on graduation day
You better hold them, hold them, and love them while you can.
Because time is a thief and a robber of life
Time speeds your days, then time steals you blind
Then all of those treasures that matter most in life
They just slip away........
Whether hair of silver or tiny little toes
Affection knows no limits to those who let it show
So pull your loved ones close to you and never let ‘em go
You'd better hold them, hold them ...
and love them while you can.

Make My Heart

In my college days I worked on many different kinds of construction jobs from home remodeling to high-rise office buildings. Now and again, as I pass by a construction site, I revisit the memories of that type work. I loved the time I spent as a commercial high-rise field engineer. As much as I enjoyed that type construction, I equally disliked remodeling jobs. New construction was fun because it was a fresh start and you could enjoy watching it come together piece by piece. Remodeling work required that you go in and tear out the old, the smelly, and the rotten before you could begin the patchwork. As I passed by a renovation site one day, it reminded me of how the Lord had to enter into my corrupted and blackened heart and take a few things before He could begin the process of rebuilding me. Yeah, this was a Tuesday morning song. 

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo 
Pedigo Publishing 2004

Im making way for brand new renovations
I'm clearing out the clutter in my heart
At times I know it seems I've hesitated
But, Lord, I know I'm ready now to start
The rooms that I had filled with my ambition
Dreams and plans I'd drawn up from the start
Lord, I've packed them all away
Won't You move in today
And fill these empty rooms within my heart.
Lord, make my heart your home
There's a place reserved for you alone
There's a space that only you can fill
And, Lord, if you will
Please, make my heart your home
Let this vessel now become your throne
Lord, I'm ready to be filled
Make my heart your home.
Lord, help my heart remain a holy haven
A place of rest that only you can fill
Keep me standing strong within your purpose
And help me always follow in your will
And though the wind and rain will sometimes threaten
And though at times the storm will seem so long
Lord, be my strength each day
Help me stand unafraid
Upon this one foundation safe and strong.

Straight From The Heart

The idea came from the title of a choir project that I sang on with the Alexandria Sanctuary Choir in about 1989 or so. I tried to finish the song for our last two projects, but it just didn't happen until that Tuesday morning. It took 15 years for the right words to complete the expression of my heart. 

Psalm 19:14- “Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.”  

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo 
Pedigo Publishing 2004 

There must have been a million times
You heard me pledge my love
I offered only words and not
The praise you're worthy of
But Lord, your life has taught me
Love is more than just a phrase
So from this moment forward
When I offer praise...
It's comin' straight from the heart
When I lift my hands in worship
Straight from the heart
When I lift my voice in praise
Straight from the heart
When I say "Lord, I love you'
You deserve only worship that starts
By comin' straight from the heart
Every time I lift up praise
And worship from my heart
A fresh anointing comes from you
The moment that I start
I know that you inhabit
A place of perfect praise
So when my voice is lifted up
And when my hands are raised

When I sing hallelujah
Lord, when I lift my hands
When I pour our my worship
I hope you understand.
And when I cry Holy, Holy
When I proclaim Your Majesty
When I shout out Hosanna
Lord, I hope You see

The Word

This song was born on that Tuesday morning. I just wanted another way of saying stick with the TRUTH. We're getting bombarded with so many different messages today that some people are finding it hard to know what TRUTH is. Hey, it's all right there between the covers of that old black-back book called the Bible 

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo 
Pedigo Publishing 2004

We've got radio messages and big billboard ads
We've got infomercials saying you need this-n-that
We've got pop psychologists spoutin' wisdom of the day.
Seems everybody's got a little something to say
So if the signals seem confusing and you're not sure what you've heard
The answers to your questions can be found in the Word.
The Word of God is settled
The Word will never lie
The Word will keep you on the straight
And narrow ‘til you die.
And it doesn't matter what what they say
Or what you might have heard.
It don't mean nothing
If it ain't in the Word.
The Word's a sure foundation, an anchor for the storm.
It's water in the desert and it's bread that's always warm.
It's a light that keeps your footsteps in the middle of the road
And when you need direction, friend, the Word is where you go.
It's a comforter in sorrow, it's medicine for pain
And in the Word you'll find the awesome power of Jesus Name.

The Word..........It's not pop-psychology
The Word..........It's not new age philosophy
The Word..........It's not a new source of energy
But it's a lamp unto your pathway
And a light unto your feet.
The Word...........It's everlasting
The Word............It gives understanding
The Word...........Oh, friend, tell me have you heard?
That the steps of a righteous man
Are ordered in the Word.

Tower Of Strength

The inspiration for this song came at a low point for me. I seemed to be sinking lower and lower into the pit, as it were, of despair. I felt overwhelmed by everything. I had just begun my preaching ministry at the age of 40. I hadn't really planned on a job or ministry change, especially at this point. Why now? But, God began to comfort me and tell me that everything would be fine if I would just continue to trust Him. “You have to crawl before you can walk,” He seemed to be saying. “Yeah, but Lord, writing songs and singing is sort of “My” ministry and it's a lot different from preaching. It's really humiliating to start over at 40 years old having to make all of the novice mistakes in the relearning process. Why couldn't you have made this change when I was 20?” - Wrong question! - “Because ‘I am God' and I'm not as concerned with ‘your' ministry as I am in ‘My' plan for you! Don't worry. I'm going to be there for you. You don't have to be perfect. You just have to be willing.” Another Tuesday song ... 

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo 
Pedigo Publishing 2004 

He never asked me to be a super hero
To shoulder the weight of the world on my own
He didn't ask me to think like Aristotle
To have all the answers to all questions known
I may not have the strength to bear every burden
And the wisdom of all of the ages
May not rest between my ears.
But, I know where to go
When the weight of the world gets too heavy
For me to bear
And through life I have learned
Just where to turn to for strength
Whenever I'm weak
When the currents of care
And the waves of despair pull me under
That's when Jesus steps in and renews me again
Offers a way of escape
That's when I run, I run to my tower of strength
When the battle's raging and I'm feeling weary
The temptation pulls me to finally give in
I know a place of refuge; of healing and wholeness
That restores my spirit for battle again
Jesus is that Strong and Almighty Tower
The power found in this Tower of Strength
Will help me to finally win.

The name of the Lord is a mighty tower
The righteous run in and are safe (x2)
He's a mighty tower, a mighty tower (x2)

Washed In The Blood

I had just watched a video of an Easter passion play and the plight of the woman brought before Jesus by the angry mob was still on my mind. I realized that most of us never have to confront our guilt the way she did. Mercy and grace have spared us that humiliation and yet our guilt and sin have been washed away. I had just begun writing this song when Mark Condon came to Indiana Bible College to do a choir clinic. I called him up and asked him to help me. Throughout the day, between classes and during breaks we managed to complete the song. 

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo & Mark Condon 

Through her cries for mercy  
She heard their call for death 
She was pleading for her very life 
With every passing breath 
 She knew that she was guilty 
 And the price that she would pay 
 Mercy knelt down from the throne 
 And washed her guilt away. 
 Although my story's different 
 My guilt was just the same 
 For sin had brought its burden 
 And left its filthy stain 
 But in my cries for mercy 
 Grace came down from the throne 
 Telling me the price was paid 
 Through His blood I've been atoned. 
 I've been washed in the blood 
 I've been washed in the blood of the Lamb 
 All my sin stains of scarlet are now white as snow 
 I've been washed in the blood of the Lamb. 
 Sometimes, in human weakness 
 My mind replays the past 
 The pain and tears of yester-years 
 Bring failures rushing back 
 Though many times I fail Him 
 And it seems I can't go on 
 He reminds me of His precious blood 
 That the stain of sin is gone. 
 I've been washed in the blood 
 I've been washed in the blood of the Lamb 
 All my sin stains of scarlet are now white as snow 
 I've been washed in the blood of the Lamb. 
 Unworthy of His sacrifice, my life was at an end 
 But the Lamb of God laid down His life 
 So that I could live again.

We Give You Praise

There are a couple of trees that I watch during the fall every year. Day by day I pass by them and marvel at God's handywork. One of them turns four different colors and for a short period of time is multicolored at the same time. How does God do that? You'll have to forgive me. I grew up in Texas where everything goes from green to the ground in about three days each fall. All of this color changing just reminded me of the seasons of life and how God makes each of us grow through the changing of those seasons. Another Tuesday song ... 

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo 
Pedigo Publishing 2004

For the sun that warms each morning
For the stars that light the night
For the gentle breeze through rustling leaves
In the trees so high
For the bloom of life in spring time
For the colors of the fall
We stand in awe of great and small
For Lord, you made them all.
We give you praise, we give you praise
You alone are worthy, we give you praise
We give you praise, we give you praise
You alone are worthy, we give you praise.
For the sound of children's laughter
For the touch of those so dear
For the tears and smiles across the miles
Year after year
For your love that shines upon us
For the strength to stand each test
We stand amazed at all the ways
Our hearts and lives are blessed

For the path you walked up Calvary
For your holy sacrifice
For taking death upon yourself
Just to save my life
For the glorious resurrection
For the Holy Spirit's light
For grace that you've bestowed on us
Bringing hope beyond this life.

And if the next breath I take is the last in this life
And if I just had the strength for one last phrase
Let the words of my mouth be the cry of my heart
Offering one final praise.

Made To Praise The Lord

1996 – Together, As One

We were created for only one reason…to praise our Creator! Sure, we are free moral agents and have the worship the King of Kings or not to. The incredible thing about man is the fact that though we are created equal, there is a distinct uniqueness in each one of us. No one can fulfill the role of worshiper for me. I have to do that for myself. In the same way, I cannot praise and worship for anyone else. No one else can offer up your praise. This song was written to open our concerts and was born out of a desire to motivate everyone present to open up and worship from the beginning of the very first song.

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo

Put your hands together now, lift your voice and sing

Shout "glad Hosannas" to the mighty King of Kings

Cause no one else can offer up the praise you hold within

So open up and sing for joy and let the praise begin


We were made to praise the Lord

Lift our hands, sing, and rejoice

Let everything with breathe lift a mighty voice

Cause we were made to praise the Lord


We have just one purpose here, to glorify the King

To draw His holy presence near with the offering we bring

And from our hearts we worship Him in every 

         word and every phrase

Let a joyful sound ring out for He inhabits praise


Our hearts sing Hosanna we love you

Our song is filled with worship and praise

For there is no other above you

We give you our highest praise

Over In The Gloryland

1996 – Together, As One

            Adena grew up listening to and performing strong gospel choir songs in churches and camp meetings. She has such a powerful voice and sounds so great when she solos and adlibs with a choir. I wanted to add a traditional gospel song for her on this project. I just didn’t want to do it in a traditional way. I wanted to update it without losing the gospel feel. Geron Davis took this old hymn of the church and, in just a few short minutes, worked his arranging genius on it. Adena and the choir did the rest. 

Words & Music: James W. Acuff & Emmet S.Dean

Arrangement: Geron Davis


I've a home prepared where the saints abide

Just over (in the gloryland), just over (in the gloryland)

And I long to be at my Savior's side

Just over in the gloryland


Just over (in the gloryland), just over (in the gloryland)

I'll join (I'll join) that happy angel band (that happy angel band)

There with (there with) the mighty host I'll stand

Just over in the gloryland 


I am on my way to those mansions fair

Just over (in the gloryland), just over (in the gloryland)

There to sing God's praise and His glory share

Just over in the gloryland


Just over (in the gloryland), just over (in the gloryland)

I'll join (I'll join) that happy angel band (that happy angel band)

There with (there with) the mighty host I'll stand

Just over in the gloryland


What a joyful thought that my Lord I'll see

And with the blood-washed throng I will shout and sing

Glad Hosannas to Christ, the Lord and King

Just over in the gloryland

Guide My Feet

1996 – Together, As One

            Through the years, I have attempted to write all different types of songs. This was an assignment song; purely an attempt at a country gospel song which is not my natural genre. 

There is no mystery or magical inspiration. Just an honest prayer request told with a simple straightforward lyric.      

Words: Tim Pedigo & Geron Davis 

Music: Tim Pedigo


Guide my feet, hold my hand 

When I'm weak, help me understand

That when I can't see, I've gotta trust your plan

So guide my feet, and hold my hand


Your ways are higher,

Your grace goes lower 

Your arms are stronger

than any I have ever known

When I'm exhausted

And I've done everything I can

You always give me strength enough to stand


You are the light that

Shines on my pathway 

When I walk through shadows, 

You're word is a lamp unto my feet

The peace you give me surpasses all I understand

It's good to know I'm guided by your hand

Together As One

1996 – Together, As One

            This is the second song I wrote for our wedding. “Be The Lord Of This House” was the prayer song for the wedding. This song was the “I can’t believe it’s finally happening” song.

I was thirty-three years old and had spent a lot of time, money, effort, and energy, pursuing what I felt God had called me to do. I had studied and Bible College and Music Education at the University of North Texas. I had served as the Ministry of Music for several years. I had written and recorded songs. I’m pretty sure I drove on most of the Interstates in this country with a band singing in church and concerts. 

            My friends … well my friend’s wives were always trying to find me the perfect mate. I would usually push the suggestions aside saying, “When the Lord gets ready, He’ll show me the right girl.” In the spring of 1988, we were sitting in the Municipal Auditorium in Jackson, MS, listening to a concert at Music Conference. A couple of these friends were teasing me and making their pitch of girls they had found for me. The choir was singing and I was trying to enjoy the concert. Finally, I stood up, turned around and said, “I love you guys, but please, can we just not do this now?” I paused as I stood there in the fifth row facing all of the rows behind us. During that pause I heard a young lady’s voice behind me (on the stage) and simply said without turning around, “If you really want to help me, find out who this girl is and introducing me to her!!” I turned to be seated and caught my first glimpse of Adena and froze.

She was perfect. She was beautiful and could she ever sing!!! I jumped up, turned back around and said to my friends, “Seriously, find this girl!!! Find this girl for me! I want to meet her!!” It was then that I realize that everyone within fifteen feet of us had been listening in on the conversation and were laughing at me…and I did not care!

            There is so much more to this story, but there is only so much space on this website. 

It took six months to finally meet Adena in person.  Another year passed before I saw her again. A couple of months later we actually got to have a conversation. Once again, God’s providence brought us…Together …Forever…As One!

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo


In my wildest dreams I never believed 

That someone like you existed for someone like me

But you know my heart and you share my dreams

And though my heart had hoped I never really thought

That we could be...


As one, together, led by His hand

As one, together, working His plan

With blessings from above

We're bonded by His love

Together, forever, as one


I recognize that look in your eyes

A mirror image of the one that's shinning in mine

And though we're as one, we've only begun 

But with the help of heaven time will only prove 

That we'll remain...


No matter how long time goes on 

Our love will only grow stronger

Make Me In Your Image

1996 – Together, As One

A mirror, much like a recording device, is always an accurate judge of what is right and good. It is also the glaring judge of every blemish. I always encourage voice students to record their practices and then listen because the recorder doesn’t lie. It shows no favorites and displays

every flaw. The mirror also shows us the truth that stands before it. But, the mirror and the recorder only expose the reality of the moment. They offer no answers; no hope for what might be. The Word of God is a mirror that, not only beings to light the truth that lies deep within us all, but offers solutions to the troubled mind, healing for the broken heart, and hope to the lost.

It was after a deep soul-searching moment of devotion that I began to look into the mirror of the Word for these solutions. We had finished recording every note of the “Together, As One” project except for the lead vocal on the second verse of this song. The main reason was because I hadn’t written it yet. I knew there was a second verse, but I just couldn’t seem to get the words to come together. My wife and I were sitting in the studio with the engineer and they asked me what we were going to do. I had no answer but to tell them we would take a dinner break. Toward the end of the meal, I simply closed my eyes and thanked the Lord for everything He had helped us accomplish on the project. I finished by admitting that I had no words to finish this song and asked Him to help me. Why He chose to answer my prayer in that moment is somewhat of a mystery. I guess He just wanted me to know that it was only by His help and not of my own creativity or wisdom that we had gotten this far. I grabbed pen and borrowed a clean napkin, wrote the second verse, and we headed back to the studio to finally finish the recording. 

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo


Looking in the mirror of God's word it's plain to see

That I don't always measure up to what I should be

I take a few steps forward and it seems I'm gaining ground

Then feebly I falter, and again I'm falling down 

Lord, I want to be a witness and I want to prove I'm strong

But I find each day the strength I have is that which comes from you alone

So I give myself away, Lord, do what you must do 

Take my life and make me more like you


Make me in your image 

Wash me white as snow

Purify this heart of mine 

Lord, I'm giving you control

Let me be a vessel

One that's worthy to be used

Make me in your image, oh Lord

Make me more like you


Help me to look forward with my eye upon the prize

And keep your holy purpose always focused in my mind

Help me catch the vision of what you would have me be

And realize I'm not just here to fulfill my hopes and dreams

I give up my ambitions for the cause I've found in you

I willingly lay down my life for what you'd have me do

So with all my heart I say, do what only you can do

Take my life and make me more like you


Take all my treasures

Make my heart new

I Just want to be more like you

Exceeding, Abundant

1996 – Together, As One

            A testimony is a powerful thing because your personal experience belongs to you and cannot be questioned. We go through situations and circumstances that are mostly beyond our control and our understanding. Regardless of whether we understand the when, the how or the why a prayer is answered, we can fully grasp when the healing comes or the situation changes for the good. There was a scene in our Easter production of “Messiah” where multiple healings take place. It begin with the blind man being healed. Afterward he is questioned by the priests as to the details of his healing and the qualifications of Jesus to perform it. His answer became the catalyst for this song. “Whether He is a sinner or not I cannot say. But, this I do know…I was blind, but now I can see!”

            Paul states in Ephesians chapter three that we cannot comprehend the magnitude of Christ’s love and compassion for mankind. But, if we look at the testimonies of those in whom He performed miracles, then we are reminded that God is able to do “exceeding abundantly” beyond what we can ever imagine.   

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo


Eyes that were blind, lips that could not speak

Feet that were lame, were not impossibilities

Lives that were broken, and battered down by sin

Jesus spoke the word, and they were all restored again


Exceeding, abundantly, far beyond what we can think

He's able, He's able

Exceeding, abundantly, far beyond what we can think

He's able, He's able

Exceeding (You know he can deliver)

Abundant (His power has no limit)

Above all we can ask or think 

He's able, He's able, God is able


Clouds growing dark, waves rolling high

Fear brings on doubt, my heart begins to question

"My Lord hast thou forsaken and forgotten me

Then He whispers, "Peace be still" and calms the raging sea


If He could take a blind man and give him back his sight

Speak into a grave and bring about new life

I know He's able, He's able

If He could create heaven, divide the earth and sea

I know He has the power to take good care of you and me

I know He's able, He's able

Reasons To Praise Him

1996 – Together, As One

            There was nothing complicated about the inspiration for this song. I was actually sitting in my office one day and began to consider all of the many ways that I had been blessed. I had just read Psalm 100 which is an anthem of reasons to praise the Lord. Throughout the chapter we are encouraged to make a joyful noise and come before His presence with singing. We should understand that He is God, has made us, and we are wholly His. The passage finishes in verse five with, “For the Lord is good; His mercy is everlasting, and His truth endureth to all generations.” This verse caused me to begin making my own list of reasons which became the chorus to the song. Truthfully, we can never run out of good reasons to praise Him.

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo


We praise Him because The Lord is good

We praise Him because His mercy never ends

And He's our one true friend

We praise Him for overcoming power

We praise Him because His name is a mighty tower

There's no doubt we'll never run out

Of good reasons to praise Him


He's the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end

He's the everlasting Father and ever faithful friend

And He's worthy, worthy to be praised (REPEAT LINE)

He's the lily of the valley, the bright and morning star

Bigger than the universe, but lives inside my heart

And He's worthy, worthy to be praised (REPEAT LINE)


We praise Him because The Lord is good

We praise Him because His mercy never ends

And He's our one true friend

We praise Him for overcoming power

We praise Him because His name is a mighty tower

There's no doubt we'll never run out

Of good reasons to praise Him


He's the Wonderful, Counselor, Almighty, Prince of Peace

He's the Lord of All, the Great I Am, the only King of Kings

And He's worthy, worthy to be praised (REPEAT LINE)

He's the Son of God, Son of Man, the Holy Spotless Lamb

The one and only Savior who died but rose again

And He's worthy, worthy to be praised (REPEAT LINE)


He's loving, faithful, kind, and true

Give Him praise for what He's done for you

Peace that passes understanding, He's given to me

So many good reasons to praise the Lord, so many good reasons

Greater Still

1996 – Together, As One

            In the fall of 1992, I was asked to replace one of the Instructors on an Indiana Bible College missions trip, with about 15 students, to several countries in Eastern Europe. We arrived in Budapest during a rainstorm and boarded a bus for Pecs, Hungary. The first morning we took the group to Pastor Harvot’s church where I was instructed to get the students ready. “Ready? Ready for what?…I thought I was just a chaperone!” I was informed that I was to form a choir from this group because we would be performing on the street today. I asked for a keyboard and was given one that was about fifteen inches long and ran on D-Cell batteries. I inquired if any of the students were in Chorale…NO! Anyone in choir?...NO! Can anyone play this little keyboard because I don’t play? A young lady said, ‘I know a couple of praise choruses.” I said, “You’re hired!!! We began to put together a song set for worship.

            A couple of hours later we were on the streets of Pecs singing and worshipping with all of our hearts. We moved from street to street and finally ended up in a great courtyard between some buildings made of granite and marble. The echo made us sound wonderful and much larger than a group of fifteen. After singing for most of the day, we regrouped and prepared for the night service. 

            The worship was unique that night and took some getting used to. The people sang and worshiped very quietly. You could barely hear them. We were informed that, even though Communism was no longer enforced, they still suffered the stigma and fear that the KGB would break in on their service and arrest them if they were heard. 

            At the end of the service Pastor Harvot invited the ministers to his office. As I walked across the platform, I a bright pink color which was very uncharacteristic of their dress. It was a woman kneeling in front of the pulpit, with hands lifted up, tears streaming down her face, and the most beautiful expression of worship coming from her lips. I asked the pastor her story and he told us about the events of the day that we were totally unaware of.

            He told us that this woman was a refugee from Yugoslavia, which was in a civil war. Just twenty-four hours before, she had been a prisoner of war in a prison camp just across the border. At some point yesterday, she decided that she would not endure the torture and horrible crimes of war that she would face in this camp. So, as darkness fell, she crawled through the barbed wire and began to run. Her only thought was that either she would be gunned down trying to get away or she would somehow find her way to freedom. She ran…and ran…afraid that at any moment she would her the sound of the machine gun that would end her life. There was no sound, so she kept on running through the night across fields, down a shallow stream, and finally crossed the border into Hungary. She found a road and followed it. If there was a road, it had to eventually lead to a town. 

            Exhausted, she kept moving until she saw buildings. Motivated by what she saw she ran into town and looking for anyone who would help her. And just then…she heard music and voices. She turned onto the street where a group of student from IBC were lifting up the Name of Jesus. As she approached the crowd, a woman turned toward her as if she was expecting her. She fell into the woman’s arms. This woman was a member of Pastor Harvot’s church.

            They church folks took her in, cleaned her up, and gave her fresh clothes to wear. Yesterday, she was a prisoner of war. Tonight, through the divine providence of a kind, compassionate, and loving God, she was safely kneeling at an altar worshiping the One who had freed her. There is no way we could have planned something like this. God was way ahead of us preparing her journey and ours.

            The next day, while riding on a bus with no heat through the freezing rain, this story brought this song to life. 

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo                                                           


To see the face of one who's never heard His precious name

To hear that same one's tender voice cry out

To know that there's an ear that's never lost a single prayer

(And) But rest assured He loves them, there's no doubt

So you ask how far His love will go to reach this one in need

To see His wonder shinning on this face

He'll go beyond the span of time,

 He'll search the world this one to find

A miracle made possible by grace


For it reaches far beyond what mortal tongue could ever tell

Beyond the great expanse creation knows as well

To number grains of sand or count the drops that oceans fill

God's grace is greater still


There's a tone within the voice that speaks the heart of every man

As it falls upon the Father's tender ear

The truth that lies inside, the secrets that we cannot hide

But rest assured the Father always hears

And whether we deserve to feel a touch of gentle care

Or be forever spurned and cast away

He still pulls us to His side, a place unending love abides

Displaying once again His wondrous grace


You'll Still Be Lord Of All

1996 – Together, As One

            The long weekend was over. Sunday had melted into the wee hours of Monday morning and we had driven half the night to get home. I was driving down Hancock St. in Irving, TX, right in front of Crocket Middle School when I asked God, “If you could say absolutely anything you wanted to in a song, what would it be, Lord?” Immediately I began to hum a melody to the words, “You’ll still be Lord of all. You’ll still be Lord of all. Da da da da da da da da da da da da … You’lll still be Lord of all.” “This is it,” I questioned? Over the next three and a half years I struggled trying to finish the song. Every now and then I would come up with a line that I knew was right. The strange thing is that the line always seemed to have a distinct place where it fit perfectly. It could be the third line in the first verse. Why? I don’t know. It just feels like it should be that line. The entire song came together this way in slow painstaking fashion. 

            Davis/Pedigo was about to record and we were sharing some of the songs we had finished or songs that were in the forming stages. I thought of this song, but realized that it was still missing one line in the first verse and one line in the second. I asked Geron and Becky Davis to take a look at the lyrics and see if they could fill the lines which they did. We, of course recorded it and passed a demo of it along to the group TRUTH who was about to record. They decided to add it to the project they were working on. 

This is where it gets interesting.

            TRUTH finished their project and had great success with the first couple of singles that were released on radio. A year passed and they were in the process of recording a new project, but had some delays. Because they didn’t have anything currently playing on the radio, they decided to release “You’ll Still Be Lord Of All,” which was never supposed to happen. The single hit the radio in October of 1988 in the same month that the icons of the two largest Christian Television Networks would fall into sin and have their crimes exposed.

Without warning this single, which was never supposed to be released. It began to be played on every radio station nationwide causing it to climb all the way to #1 on the CCM National Radio charts in November of 1988.

            God’s message that began on that Sunday night, took three and a half years to write, a couple of more years to be recorded and find its way to the radio stations as an unintended single, and finally become the reminder that kingdoms will rise and fall, but He will still be Lord of all.  God’s timing and providence are always perfect.

Words: Tim Pedigo, Geron & Becky Davis

Music: Tim Pedigo

Surrounded by confusion, always hurrying my way

The pace is fast do my best to last through another day 

Of building up my kingdom, block by block I reach for  more

And dream of ways to stay ahead of where I've been before

At times I try to rule this world that I have claimed as mine

Leaving all my thoughts of you and who you are behind

But when I'm gone and all I've owned is just a thought in time

You'll still be Lord of all


You'll still be Lord of all, you'll still be Lord of all

When the last kingdom crumbles, when the last sunset falls

You'll still be Lord of all\


Standing in your presence, Lord, I feel how small I am

My castles and my riches are as pebbles in the sand

And time won't hold the memory of what I profess to be

Unless the ones around can see the one who lives in me

And understanding this I realize my only gain

Is giving all I have to you ‘til we're one and the same

For when this realm of earthly kingdoms crumbles into flames

You'll still be Lord


Men will conquer empires then reach for higher stars

They'll search through endless questioning for answers to it all

They'll climb a higher mountain, build mansions grand and tall

But when they fall, when they fall

What Really Matters

1996 – Together, As One

            I spent a good number of years in music ministry directing choirs and doing vocal clinics. I even had my own vocal studio for several years teaching private voice lessons. But, like anyone with a dream and a little creativity, I was “working my fingers to the bone” trying to write songs, record projects, and somehow get the attention of a record company. Along with Geron and Becky Davis, we formed a band and accomplished many of those dreams. The one that seemed to be just beyond our grasp was the illusive record deal. We got signed to Meadowgreen Publishing Company very early on and had great success writing songs and getting them recorded by other groups. We just couldn’t get them to hear us sing them.

            I distinctly remember sitting at lunch with Randy Cox, President and Joe Huffman, Vice-President, of Meadowgreen. We were discussing our songs and eventually expressed our frustration about not being heard as recording artists. After everyone had pretty much spoken, Joe Huffman, who had not said a word to this point, looked across the table and said, “Can I ask you kids to do me a favor?” We of course agreed. He said, “You don’t really know me. You know my name and you’ve seen me around the offices, but you don’t really know me. But, I know you. I know where you come from, what you believe, and what you stand for. You see, I was just a session guitar player at Mark Five Studio in North Carolina.

I have played on every album made by a United Pentecostal Artist for twenty years. Vesta Mangun…Murrell Ewing…you name them…I played on their albums. I know who you are because I know your roots. I am begging you kids to go back home and stop chasing this dream of being an artist. Why? Because this business will change who you are. It will destroy the very thing that makes you special. We don’t need another wannabe singing sensation. What we need is…you! We need you because the kind of songs you write come from somewhere deep down in a place most of us have never found and can’t touch. You write the heart and soul songs that reach in and change a person. If you spend too much time in this town it will destroy that and we can’t afford to lose you.” With that he fell silent as did the rest of the table. 

            From that conversation to this very day I hear Joe’s powerful words of wisdom. I never worried about a record deal after that. I just kept trying to write with a powerful pen and a pure heart hoping that the Master of my life cause the words and melodies to encourage and uplift the listener. I don’t want my ambitions to overdrive my convictions. I don’t want my music to mask my mission. 

“I've gotta keep my heart and soul in line. Gotta keep His purpose on my mind. 'Cause the final call is all that really matters.”

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo


I was working my fingers to the bone ever day / Building up castles of stubble and hay

Putting my faith and trust in this temple of clay

Block on block and stone upon stone / Slaving away 'til my strength was gone

Struggling to build a kingdom that soon would fade

When I should've been thinking 'bout things above

About the day when the Savior calls

And things of earth so quickly pass away


What does it matter if I gain the whole world

And in the process lose my soul

What does it matter if I own a mountain of silver and gold

What really matters is shape that my heart is in

When the Master calls me home

I've gotta keep my heart and soul in line 

Gotta keep His purpose on my mind

'Cause the final call is all that really matters


Now I'm still working hard every day / But not on mansions of stubble and hay 

And the master of my life has been replaced

I've put my faith and trust in a stone / He's stood for ages and He's still standing strong

I'm rebuilding my life on things that won't pass away

Now one day soon all the things I hold

Will fade from view as I head for home

And I can't wait to hear that trumpet play


The bottom line is not silver and gold

You can't take all the things you hold

The real prize awaits at the end of the road

A Beautiful Celebration

1996 – Together, As One

One night I was experimenting with simple chord movements and landed on this very natural descending progression. The entire song, except for the bridge, is built on the same simple progression.

There had been a conversation between me and a couple of friends about heaven and how we don’t talk about it…don’t preach about it enough. While playing this chord progression, I began to imagine what it will be like when the trumpet sounds, Christ splits the Eastern skies, and that eternal gathering becomes a reality. 

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo

There's coming a day when there'll be no more sorrow

Ans every tear will be wiped from our eyes

One fine day we're gonna lay down heavy burdens

We're gonna rest by the river of life

There will be sounds of highest praises

Sweet hallelujah's lifted up to the throne

And oh, what joy to join in the chorus

And sing with the redeemed who are gathering home


What a beautiful celebration 

When we walk down streets of gold

Where the half has never yet been told

What a beautiful celebration

When we gather 'round the throne

When all God's children

Finally make it home


Don't be dismayed for life's trials will be over

All of the broken will soon be made whole

Lift up your head, look beyond the horizon

For peace reigns eternal in our future home


There'll be no dying, no tears dim the eye

We'll reign forever where Jesus is the light

He is the light.

As One

remi-nisce (rem’e nis) vi. - nisc’ing. to think, talk, or write about remembered events.


     I can’t tell you the number of times that someone has come up to me and said, “Aren’t you the guy that made a record with umbrellas all over the cover?”, or “What’s the song you used to sing. Oh, you know the one. Yeah, that’s it. Why don’t you sing that anymore? It was one of my favorites.” It’s been said many times how songs can take you back to a place in time that has been long since forgotten. Well, the purpose of this cd is to reminisce and bring back some of the songs that you have mentioned and share with you their stories. I love to find out the inspiration behind songs or special circumstances concerning the recording or performances of songs. The events described here are as real to me now as the days in which they happened. Stronger yet, is the message that each of these songs has carried through the years. So, I invite you to take a look back with me at some of the most treasured memories and moments of my life in music.  

Walking In Faith

1991 – Enter IN

            The lyrical inspiration for this song is pretty obvious. We all lean on the man upstairs for help and guidance through or around the potholes in life. Sure, we fall occasionally, getting back up is the key. The musical idea came from little variations on brass licks (I play the trumpet) that I had just heard on the radio. I don’t remember the station or the song that was playing, but as I began to imitate the sounds, a melody emerged. 


Words & Music: Tim Pedigo


Just like a child who finally takes that step, 

You’re gonna walk before you run

You bear the scars of a million falls

You’re gonna have more before you’re done

But, remember the Father is waiting on call

Ready to catch you when you fall

His hands are full of mercy

His eyes full of grace

He knows before you make it

What step you’re gonna take.


So, you can start walking in faith

Covered by His grace

Guided by a hand you cannot see

Taking each step

With the Father’s help

Cause this walk of faith

Is learning to believe.


Now that you finally stood and took that step

You’re walk of faith has just begun

You’ve gotta forget the scars of the past

You’ve got a race that has to be run

The saying goes, “If you take one step, He’ll take two”

There’s nothing the lord won’t see you through

So, throw back your shoulders, set your eyes on the prize

Take a step of confidence and soon you’re gonna find. 


That you’ve been walking in faith

Covered by His grace

Guided by a hand you cannot see

Taking each step

With the Father’s help

Cause this walk of faith

Is learning to believe.

Be The Lord Of This House

1991 – Enter In

            I wrote this song, as well as, “Together, As One” for our wedding. Adena and I had more than a few conversations about our dreams and family. More than anything, we wanted to begin our journey together with God at the center of everything. The idea was for it to be a prayer sung by a soloist, but the melody quickly turned into harmony. It was sung at our wedding as a trio just before we formed a circle with my parents, and hers, for the actual prayer. Ironically, that arrangement ended up with the vocal parts beginning solo, duet, and trio. It never occurred to me until long after the project was completed, that the process in which the vocal parts changed during the writing was duplicated in the recording.



Words & Music: Tim Pedigo


Be the Lord …. Be the Lord ….of this House….


We’ve gathered in your presence

In one mind and on accord

Asking for your blessing and your guidance Lord

Fill our home with harmony

And fill our hearts with truth

And give us the assurance

That you will be


Lord of this house

Teach us to love the way you always have

Show us your ways …….And give use the grace

To stand if life should try to pull us down.

Be the Lord of this house

And let your presence hover gently all around

We surrender ourselves …….Lord, into your will

Be the Lord, Be the Lord of this house.


We humbly bow before you

Placing all our trust in you

Knowing with your help there’s nothing we can’t do.

Let us leave a legacy

That lines up with your Word

And help us teach the young ones

That you must be 


Lord of this house

Teach us to love the way you always have

Show us your ways …… And give use the grace

To stand if life should try to pull us down.

Be the Lord of this house

And let your presence hover gently all around

We surrender ourselves ……. Lord, into your will………..

Be the Lord, Be the Lord of this house.

Be the Lord, Be the Lord

Be the Lord, Be the Lord of this house

Wonderful, Counselor

1991 – Enter In

            This was my attempt at island music. It was really just an attempt to create a fun song for children to sing that would drive home the point of who God is an dhow important He is to every aspect of our lives. 


Words & Music: Tim Pedigo


Who is the one that made wine from water, calmed the raging sea

Who is the one that fed 5000, made the blind to see

Who is the one that raised up the daughter

Healed the lame, and walked on the water

Who is the one that set the captives free.


I call Him Wonderful, Counselor, Almighty God

Lord of Creation, Light of the World

He’s the Rock of all Ages, Master, and Savior

I call Him Wonderful, Counselor, Almighty God.


Who is the one that’s a fortress where the righteous run and hide

Who is an ever present help that is able to provide

Who is the one that’s a mighty tower, 

Who is the one that’s name has all power

Who is the one that’s living deep inside.


Who is the one that holds our future in His loving hands

Who is the one that designs each step as it fits into His plan

Who is the one that paid our ransom,

Went away to build us a mansion

Just to take us when He comes again.


I call Him Wonderful, Counselor, Almighty God

Lord of Creation, Light of the World

He’s the Rock of all Ages, Master, and Savior

I call Him Wonderful, Counselor, Almighty

Rock of all Ages, Master, and Savior

I call Him Wonderful, Counselor, Almighty God 

If God Be For Me

1991 – Enter In

            From the very first time I heard this song, I knew Adena had to sing it. The lyrics are so strong and the message is so clear. Add that to her particular vocal styling and you have a great combination. Since we went into the studio to record this project only about six weeks after we got married, this is one of the very first songs that we learned and performed together. 


Words & Music: Becky Fender


If God be for me, who in the world can be against me?

In the darkness of night, He is the light that shines within me

I will not fear, I’m not alone

He is my father and He calls me His own

If God be for, tell me, who in the world can be against me?


I’m not walking alone, I’m not all by myself

I have a friend who’s with me

I can lean on His arm, I can call on His name

He said, ”Lo, I’ll be with you always”

No weapon formed against me shall prosper

And every tongue that comes against me, my God will condemn

What shall I fear? What can man do unto me?

When the Lord of Hosts, God Almighty is my defense


Through good days and bad, whether happy or sad

My God is right there beside me

He holds me safe in His arms, I can come to no harm

When His love and His grace surrounds me

For He said He’d be closer, closer than a brother

He’d my friend, my friend like no other

When things get a little rough I know i can find

That the battle is the Lord’s, but the victory is mine.

I'm Gonna Lift You Up

1991 – Enter In

            I was at a concert in Austin, Texas and was very much enjoying the choir, orchestra, and the soloists, when the director turned to the crowd and encouraged everyone to join in worship. Well, I did that, in my own little way. You know what I mean, that sort of half-hearted way that a person joins in when they are really just there to enjoy the concert. Now, the person sitting just behind me had come for a different reason and that was to worship with a capital “W!” At first, I felt sorry for this person because there was truly a lack of musical ability here and finding the right pitch was just not going to happen. I tried to overcome the lack of melody coming from behind me by watching what was happening on the platform. At that moment, a dear sister saint stood up in front of me and began to display her very best worship moves. I attempted to slide to the right so I could see around her and she slid to the right. I moved back to the left and she slid to the left. Out of frustration, I inwardly complained a bit because this was my opportunity to sit back and enjoy the music. Suddenly, the lady in front of me turned and I saw the most beautiful smile on her face as she worshiped. I looked around at the fellow behind me with the pitch problem and saw his hands lifted high and tears streaming down his face. It was in this moment the Lord spoke to me and said, “I can see you are frustrated, but if you were doing what they are doing you would have an entirely different attitude. The pitch doesn’t matter. The moves don’t matter. Pure praise is always a sweet savor to me. You can leave here frustrated or blessed. It is your choice.” Needless to say, that moment changed my attitude forever. 


Words & Music: Tim Pedigo


He doesn’t need and orchestra, He doesn’t need a choir

A brand new song or melody to lift His name up higher

Sometimes it’s just the simple things that make His heart rejoice

Sometimes the only thing He needs is one small voice.


Lord, I’m gonna lift you up 

Just as long as I have breath

Lord, I’m gonna lift you up,

No matter what the rest of the world would do

As long as I have breath to sing for you

Lord, I’m gonna lift you up.


The thing that He desires most is habitation of our hearts

To occupy each room within, not live in just a part

So, if praise will give you residence, I’ll lift my voice and sing

Praises unto you, oh Lord, come and build your home in me.


Lord, I’m gonna lift you up 

Just as long as I have breath

Lord, I’m gonna lift you up,

No matter what the rest of the world would do

As long as I have breath to sing for you

Lord, I’m gonna lift you up.


(Bridge) (3 Times)

I’m gonna lift you up, I’m gonna lift you up, I’m gonna lift you up

Higher and higher 


Lord, I’m gonna lift you up 

Just as long as I have breath

Lord, I’m gonna lift you up,

No matter what the rest of the world would do

As long as I have breath to sing for you

Lord, I’m gonna lift you up

Lord, You're Worthy

1991 – Enter IN

            This chorus was an outgrowth of “I’m Gonna Lift You Up.” It just seemed that every time we sang ‘I’m Gonna Lift You Up” there would be a time of worship that followed. There are a number of songs or choruses of worship that could have followed this song, but one day this little chorus sprang forth and found its place.


Words & Music: Tim Pedigo


Lord, You’re worthy of my highest praise

Lord, You’re worthy now and for always

Your goodness and mercy causes me to say

Lord, You’re worthy of my highest praise.


Hallelujah is my highest praise

Hallelujah, now and for always

Your goodness and mercy causes me to say

Lord, You’re worthy of my highest praise.

Either Way, We Win

1991 – Enter IN

            This song was born out of a disagreement over another song. The story goes that a certain group was going into the studio and needed one last song to complete their album. They were thinking about recording “Keep Believing” until a person connected to one of the members of the group came into the conversation. “I just don’t get it!! I mean, where’s the payoff? Keep believing…you’ll be fine if you’ll just keep believing? I just left the hospital room of a dear friend that is dying with cancer and I am supposed to comfort her with these words? Keep believing…and then what? There is supposed to be an “If you do, something good will happen!” At this point a member of the singing group interrupted to say, “I think you have missed the whole point of the song. The message was lost on you because of your grief. You are supposed to go back to the hospital and tell you friend that if she will keep believing that God’s promises are true, then she will be fine. And, if He heals her in this life or takes her home to be with Him, it is of little consequence. Either way…she wins!!!” The moment I heard that last phrase this song was born.


Either Way, We Win

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo


She looks into the mirror at a face beyond her years

And knows, somehow, her days are numbered here

The doctor carefully explains the truth of what she feared

She takes the news and doesn’t shed a tear

Cause there’s a peace that passes understanding in her soul,

And if God chooses not to undertake, He’s still in control.


Either way she wins

There’s no way that she can lose

She’s put her faith and trust in Him

Either way she wins

If He answers prayer today

Or He waits until the end

Either way she wins.


High above the ways of man in realms we cannot see

I know God’s watching over you and me.

Surveying every circumstance, considering each need

His ear is always open to our plea

But if He doesn’t answer prayer the way we know He could

You’ve got to know He’s working everything together for our good.


Either way she wins

There’s no way that she can lose

She’s put her faith and trust in Him

Either way she wins

If He answers prayer today

Or He waits until the end

Either way she wins.

So, let old disappointment come and try to block my way

I know I have a ble3ssed hope that lives beyond today

And as a child of God, I have a right to stand and say,

“Hit me with your best shot, cause I’m gonna win either way.

Keep Believing

1991 – Enter In

            At the end of the altar call one Sunday night, a young man walked through the back doors of the Sanctuary and made his way around and down the side isle as people were leaving. He was well known to the church for he had grown up there. However, the last couple of years had taken a toll on him through the party life of drugs and alcohol. We met at the end of the altar and prayed for a while. Although he didn’t surrender his heart back to God, he confessed that he felt better and promised to be back to make everything right. AS I began to turn off lights and close down the Sanctuary, I passed by a group of parents having a conversation and encouraging the mother of this young man. One, in particular, said how proud they were of her for showing so much love and devotion to a child that had put them through the wringer, so to speak. Then came the question, “What do you do when your child that’s been raise in the church and knows to do right, but takes such a wrong turn away from God?” She simply responded, “Well, you know when it’s your kid, you just have to keep believing that eventually they are going to remember what they have been taught and do the right thing.” That answer did not fully resonate with me in that moment. I just moved past and continued locking up.

            About a week later, I was leaving the office and just asked God if there was something He would like to say in a song. That conversation leaped out of my sub-conscience and those two words, “Keep Believing,” stuck in my brain. Without warning, I began singing this song start to finish. It was a total gift from God. I grabbed pen and paper and wrote the lyrics down just as they had been given to me. It was one of the most remarkable moments I have ever had as a songwriter. 

            Four years later, the group TRUTH wanted to record it. Their producer, Steven V. Taylor, called and asked if I would consider writing a second verse since the original only had one verse, a chorus, and a bridge. At first, I didn’t want to change the song because I felt that it was complete the way God had given it to me. When I hung up the phone I asked God if He was pleased with the song the way it was. As I prayed that prayer, the second verse rolled out of me the same way the rest of the song had. The following is the final version of the song.



Keep Believing

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo


When troubles rise and catch you unaware

The day to day of living seems unfair

So, you try again at all of your dreams and plans

But they end up in defeat

And the fancy frills that once fulfilled

Now leave you incomplete

And you wonder where your life went wrong

And why you can’t find peace

Friend your hopes not gone, it’s just been too long

Since you’ve had to believe.


Keep Believing 

In what you know is true

Keep Believing, 

You know the Lord will see you through

When troubles rise in your life 

And you don’t know what to do

You’ll be fine if you just keep believing.


The enemy can only bring defeat

If he can somehow shake what we believe

So, our faith cannot be based upon 

Only what we see or feel

And the circumstances cannot change 

What our hearts know to be real

So, when doubts arise and cloud your minds

My friend, don’t be deceived

For with a knowledge of the Word of God

In our hearts we can believe.



You can take God at His Word

He is faithful, kind, and true

Not a prayer will go unanswered

In His time, He’ll see you through.


Keep Believing 

In what you know is true

Keep Believing

You know the Lord will see you through

When troubles rise in your life 

And you don’t know what to do

You’ll be fine if you just keep believing.



When you’re looking for answers

But you can’t find your way

When the enemy tells you

That there’s no need to pray

You just remember…God is Faithfull

And His Word is true

Anything He’s promised

You Know He’s got to do

And you’ll be fine if you’ll just…Keep Believing.

Season To Season

1991 – Enter In

            There was a time in the late 80’s when I, like everyone living in Texas, was hit hard by the crashing economy. I lost my job and most everything I had. I couldn’t find work of any kind except a few little odd-jobs here and there. It took about three to four years, although it felt like an eternity, for me to climb out of the rubble. It was in the fall and the leaves were just turning their many colors when I happened to be driving on a long trip through the Mid-West. Fall is my favorite season and as I was enjoying the beauty of the scenery, it was as if the Lord spoke to me and said, “Dying is the only way that these colors are possible and leaves, like time, float away. But don’t fret, they will be back next spring just as green and full of life as ever.” It was in that moment that I realized I had survived at least one winter of life and that through the pain of the changing seasons I had become stronger.


Season To Season

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo


Through the years I’ve known You as Creator of all

You’d plant Your seeds, then paint Your leaves

And watch them as they fall

Lord, I know Your brush has touched my life

For I’ve felt the change of seasons

But I’ve never lost my faith cause You’ve never given reason

To let go, to give up, or give in


Because season to season You give me reason

To put my life into Your holy hands

And season to season You give me reason

To love more than before and trust You even more

For I know You’re guiding me Season to Season


As sure as there are changing winds

And turning of the leaves

I know Your love is always there 

And I know Your hand is on me

So, when You touch my life

Or allow a stormy season

I’ll never lose my faith .... or ever stop believing

Won’t lose hope, won’t give up, or give in.


Winter, Summer, Spring, or Fall and seasons of the Soul

Each has a warming ray of sunshine ... taste of bitter cold

And though I may not understand the reasons still I know

That the pain of changing seasons makes me grow.


I know that season to season You give me reason

To put my life into Your holy hands

And season to season You give me reason

To love more than before and trust You even more

For I know You’re guiding me Season to Season

The Heart Of The Matter

1991 – Enter In

            I have always had a love and fascination for rhythms and percussion instruments. I love the congas, timbales, shakers, and all of the other special little noise or rhythm makers. Where one person might go around the house, job, or drive their car singing a favorite song, many times I just make up rhythms and proceed to sing them of play them om whatever is handy. I’m sure I have created more than a few moments of entertainment for adjacent cars at stoplights. Anyway, that is how this song came about. It began by just making sounds and creating rhythm patterns. Suddenly, a heartbeat type sound emerged from all of the noise. I think the over-riding message of the song came from the heartbeat trying to make its way out of all of the chaos. After all, that’s where we all are at some time of the day or night, trying to find some moment where the heart finds a place of peace.



The Heart Of The Matter

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo


You wake up in the morning, crawl out of bed

Gotta get moving, but your heartbeat says

Oh, take a little time out

You’re in a hurry, gotta make a little more pay

Gotta keep the schedule, no time to pray

Oh, too busy rushing about.


But the matter at hand is what’s wrong with your heart

You lose the battle before you start

Then the holy flame dies out within

And you spiritual eyes grow sadly dim

You trust yourself instead of looking to Him

Oh, my friend, That’s the heart of the matter.


You’re barely out the door when you encounter the foe

Walls start falling like dominoes

Oh, but there’s still a way out

Though you’re crawling through the rubble of a man-made plan

And you realize that things are out of hand

Oh, you’ve gotta take time out.


Your head hits the pillow as the day draws in

Battered, defeated, and alone again

Oh, a little voice cries out

Oh, take a little time out

Oh, take a little time out

Oh, take a little time out

Oh, take a little time out

Oh, we all need to take just a little time out

Enter In

1991 – Enter In

            The inspiration for this song was the hope we have in Christ of an eternal home that so far outshines anything this world can offer that there is absolutely no trading for it. At the time of writing there was no thought of death or dying in order to attain this great hope. Ironically, I believe that this song has been sung at more funerals than it has anywhere else, and rightfully so. There appears to be no other moment that shakes us down to the only two words that really matter to a true believer…”ENTER IN!”


Enter IN

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo


There is a time when every broken heart will finally mend

There is a place where pain and struggles of this life will end

There is a grace that the weary and the wounded rest within

There is a prize that those who seek His will can finally win.


Sometimes down here there’s an ever present for earthly gain

We live in fear and our hearts are sometimes broken by strain

But I know a place where a mansion waits that I would rather win

And I’d trade this world for my Father’s final words “Enter In.”


I’ll lay my crowns upon the ground there at His feet

And my everlasting praises will begin

For no crown, thrown, or pot of gold

No treasure counted here below

Is worth the final words “Enter In.”


Sometimes we build our hopes and plans on things that soon will fade

We chase our dreams, but they gently lead us on then slip away

But I’m looking for a mansion where the peace of God begins

And I’m longing for my Father’s final words “Enter In.”


I’ll lay my crowns upon the ground there at His feet

And my everlasting praises will begin

For no crown, thrown, or pot of gold

No treasure counted here below

Is worth the final words “Enter In.”

Bless The Lord At All Times

1993 - Davis/Pedigo - Faithful

     It’s strange how that you can hear a phrase a thousand times and then all at once you hear it fresh and new again. Traveling through Turkey Creek in central Louisiana one day I heard a radio preacher quoting Psalms 34:1, “I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth.” BOOM!! Inspiration! I began to sing the words to this chorus as if it were a song that I already knew. 


Bless The Lord At All Times

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo


Bless the Lord at all times

Sing to Him with a voice of praise

I’ll lift my hands and voice

And forever rejoice

Singing, “Blessed be His holy name.”


The flowers in the field lift up their heads 

Giving honor to God as a new day begins

The trees lift their hands to ring out their praise

Exalting the sound of the wind

Creation, by nature, worships the King

As if there was no other way

So how can I be silent, how can I be still?

And how can I not give Him praise?


I will bless the Lord at all times

Sing to Him with a voice of praise

I’ll lift my hands and voice

And forever rejoice

Singing, “Blessed be His holy name.”


I have a choice, I can lift up my voice

Giving honor to God, exalting in praise

Or idly sit still while the heavens are filled

As the rocks and the stones take my place

When I remember His mercy, consider His grace

At saving me out of my sin

My hands go in motion, my heart leaps within

My lips have to praise Him again.

Walls Come Down

1989 - Davis/Pedigo - Davis/ Pedigo

     On Highway 183, somewhere between Carl Rd. and O’Connor St., the musical hook and the “walls come down when the praise goes up” connection was made. For some reason, as I was driving, I kept hearing all of these brass licks. It’s a good thing I was alone in the car because I’m quite sure that anyone, had they heard me, would have thought me strange. I was singing all of these brass parts as if my mouth were really a trumpet or trombone. At some point, a melody emerged, first in a descending pattern, and then climbing back up the scale. All of the sudden, the lyrics just jumped out of my mouth; “walls come down (descending) when the praise goes up (ascending). The lyrics matched the melody perfectly and became the thematic base of the song.






Walls Come Down

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo & Geron Davis


Oh, the walls come down when the praise goes up

Mighty walls of stone can prove no match

For the Master’s gentle nudge

Oh, the walls come down when the praise goes up

Mighty walls come down when He gets lifted up.


Well, the devil’s got a lot stumbling blocks

He wants to put them in your way

And when he sees you slip or accidentally trip

He tries to find a way to make you stay

Then he’ll build that wall about ten feet tall

Make you think…”No use to pray.”

But, what the devil don’t know is when he locks that door

He can’t lock in your praise.


Oh, the walls come down when the praise goes up

Mighty walls of stone can prove no match

For the Master’s gentle nudge

Oh, the walls come down when the praise goes up

Mighty walls come down when He gets lifted up.



When the praise goes up … the walls come down

When the praise goes up … the walls come down

When the praise goes up … the walls come down

When the praise goes up … the walls come down


Walls come down when the praise goes up

Mighty walls of stone can prove no match

For the Master’s gentle nudge

Oh, the walls come down when the praise goes up

Mighty walls come down when He gets lifted up.

Because Of Whose I Am

1981 - Tim Pedigo - Rain Your Love

     I love the introduction to this song.  This is one of those songs that I didn’t write but I sure wish that I would have. You are never quite sure, when making a record, which songs will be embraced by the listening audience. Of all of the songs on the Rain Your Love album, this has been the most requested. 



Because Of Whose I Am

Donny & Reba McGuire


I’ll never understand, how He sought a piece of clay

And said, “I want it, I’ll use it.”

The greatest mystery is that somehow in spite of me

He said, “I’m gonna love you”

He took me in His arms, said, ”This child belongs to me”

Then He placed me in His kingdom, now I live like royalty

It’s not because of what I am, not because of what I’ve done

It’s because of whose I am.


I’ll never understand, while I was yet a slave

He said He’d buy, He said He’d save me

He robed Himself in flesh, became the final sacrifice

So that I could know redemption

He took the stipes upon His back so that I could walk in health

Then He broke the chains of death, now I can live forevermore

It’s not because of what I am, not because of what I’ve done

It’s because of whose I am.


My Father is Lord of everything from here, beyond forever

He’s given me His name, said if I’d ask anything He’d gladly give it

He put a robe upon my back, placed a ring upon my hand

Said the riches of heaven were all mine to command.

It’s not because of what I am, not because of what I’ve done

It’s because He first loved me that His grace has set me free

His blood is flowing through my veins, I’ve been adopted by the King

My Redeemer Lives

1989 - Tim Pedigo - Sincerely Yours

     First of all, I really liked the song as soon as I heard it. Somewhere after deciding to record it, the idea of attempting to sing all four parts as a one-man quartet was introduced. My vocals for this project were all recorded on the same day. So, we started early in the morning on the bass part of this song. Of course, there was no warm-up because we were doing everything possible to make me sound like a real bass. As the day wore on, and we completed other songs, we would drop back to this song to record the next higher part.


My Redeemer Lives

Words & Music: Phil & Carolyn Cross


Mary came at early dawn 

But she found the Savior gone

Two in white unto her said 

Why seek among the dead 

He is risen do not cry 

Tell the whole world He’s alive 


Resurrection day proclaims 

Christ the risen Savior reigns

O what joy my heart reveals 

I know my Redeemer lives 


Men may mock His holy name 

They may say He never came 

But I’m standing here today 

‘Cause Jesus came my way 

So I’ll shout it far and wide

He is risen He’s alive


Resurrection day proclaims 

Christ the risen Savior reigns 

O what joy my heart reveals 

I know my Redeemer lives 

I know my Redeemer lives 

A Flame In The Night

1989 - Davis/Pedigo - Davis Pedigo

     There have been many moments  when the Lord really dealt with me about the people around me that didn’t know Him. Not that we aren’t always concerned about them or want to reach out to them, but, this was a moment of keen awareness where it seemed I noticed every face that I passed and wondered what was going on behind the frown, the down-cast  eyes, the apparent sadness or discontentment that was being displayed. My frustration was that I felt I was doing all that I could and, yet, felt that I could somehow give more.

     One Sunday we had a visiting national preacher, and his wife, from another country. I’m sure that I was paying attention because I have always had a great interest about what is going on in other countries. But, when the missionary’s wife began to talk about the militant country they were serving in and of how her own baby was ripped from her arms and killed before her very eyes because she would not renounce the name of Jesus Christ, something broke within me. She finished her part of the message with an chorus you may recognize, but for some reason she had changed the last line. Maybe this was the way the chorus had been taught to her or perhaps the translation was just a little clumsy. Either way, the last line made me to know that I’ve never done all that I can do. I’ve never given all that I can give.

     She sang, “Jesus use me and oh, Lord, don’t refuse me. For surely there’s a work that I can do. And even though I stumble, Lord, help my will to crumble. Use me, Lord, ‘til I burn out for you.”


A Flame In The Night

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo


I get so disheartened every time I see

The anguish in the faces of People that I meet

Their caught up in their struggles, somehow marking time

In searching for their answers, You never cross their minds


Lord, how can I reach them just to make them see

How on a sea of troubles, You reached and rescued me

You took this broken vessel; found the missing parts

With hands so soft and gentle, You healed this broken heart


Let me be a flame in the night

Let me be Your light 

Shattering the darkness

Let me be a fire burning bright

Until the night is through

Lord, shine through me 

Until I burn out for You


I haven’t got much to offer

There’s nothing good within

I’m just a sinner saved by love and grace

You let me live again

Lord, make me an example 

So, this whole world can see

That the darkness that once held my heart

Left when Your love shined through me.


Let me be a flame in the night

Let me be Your light 

Shattering the darkness

Let me be a fire burning bright

Until the night is through

Lord, shine through me 

Until I burn out for You

Because He Loves Us

1981 - Tim Pedigo - Rain Your Love

     Not only has this been a fun song to sing, but it was a blast to record because a large group of my friends sang on it with me. We had our college choir do the back-up on the choruses. I love the words, I love the track, but my favorite part is in the chorus when the french horns do an octave leap. Listen close and you’ll hear it!


Because He Loves Us

Words & Music: Bill Maxwell & Howard McCrary


These times are so troubled

And the world is so confused

There is fighting and killing 

Even children being abused

So much hatred for one another

That talk of war is in the news

Running to and fro

People don’t know where to go

Lost and so alone

Even in their homes

But, I’ve got news for them

That there is a friend

Who can turn their world around 

If they’d only just trust Him.


Because He loves us and cares so much

He wants us to be His very own

And He promised that He’d never leave us alone

Because He loves us and cares so much

He wants us to be His very own

And if we’ll only open up our hearts to Him

We’ll never be alone.


Now, I cry for all people

Who are hurting deep inside

Hey, they must know there’s someone

Who’d love to brighten up their lives


Oh, they don’t know where to go

Lost and so alone

Even in their homes

But, I’ve got news for them

That there is a friend

Who can turn their world around 

If they’d only just trust Him.

I Should

1983 - Davis/Pedigo - Messengers

     Songwriting, at this point in my life, was still a new thing to me. This was only the third or fourth complete song I had ever written. Even as a child, I always read the liner notes and covers of albums in order to find out who wrote the songs. For some reason, I guess that if I knew who wrote the song and something about them, I would understand more of the inspiration for the song. It was a thrill to sing on a recording but, to have a song of my own on that record was another dream come true. 


I Should

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo


If anyone should know You are loving

If anyone should know You’d walk with them anywhere

If anyone should know just how much you love them so

I should know You love me, Lord, I should.


Always in the shadow

Yet leading all the way

And in my hour of need I know 

I can count on You to stay

Overlooking al my flaws

Only seeing what I can be

Whispering worlds of faith and love

Your strength empowers me.


If anyone should know You are loving

If anyone should know You’d walk with them anywhere

If anyone should know just how much you love them so

I should know You love me, Lord, I should.


When others were untrue, dear Lord I came to You

And I felt the warmth of love surround and pull me through

A love so gentle and so kind that it sooths the troubled mind

And if anyone should know that kind of a love, I should


If anyone should know You are loving

If anyone should know You’d walk with them anywhere

If anyone should know just how much you love them so

I should know You love me, Lord, I should.

A Hit With The Lord

1981 - Tim Pedigo - Rain Your Love 

     Every child who sits in front of a stereo and mimics the guitar licks or the vocal sounds of the singers, dreams of someday being the one that’s being listened to. Somewhere along the way he/she graduates to singing in front of the mirror with that hair-brush microphone in order to fully appreciate the visual aspects of their performance. This is sometimes followed by the rehearsal of “Thank you” and acceptance speeches. Come on, admit it. We’ve all secretly wished and hoped for that moment when the person at the podium would shout our name above all the rest for the Dove Award, the Grammy, or whatever kind of award we may have dreamed up. Truthfully though, there is no award for the song of the heart set free that could match the acceptance and approval of our heavenly Father. 


A Hit With The Lord

Words & Music: Wilhelm, Luedeka, & Huntsinger


Why can’t a song be written just from the heart?

Why does every line have to rhyme?

Why must it sound just like a rock-n-roll hit

Just to get come radio time?

Well, everybody’s trying to be so modern today

And really, it might not be wrong

Why must every song have to groove with the times?

Why can’t it just be a song?


And if it’s not Top 40

If it isn’t commercial

If it doesn‘t cross over

If it never turns to Gold

If it doesn’t get to Number One

Or pick up a Grammy

If it comes from the heart

Then on heavenly charts

It’s a hit with the Lord.


Well, singing for Jesus in my very own way

May not me good fortune or fame

And maybe I’ll never have a star on my door

Or hear the fans all screaming my name

But, when I get to heaven, and I know that I will

I’m gonna receive my reward

And when I start singing that brand new song

I’ll still be praising the Lord.

Sincerely Yours

1989 - Tim Pedigo - Sincerely Yours

     Standing in the aisle of the Living Vine Bookstore, in Irving, Texas, the soundtrack began to roll and the words to this song said exactly what I could not say. I had heard the song some years before and had always liked it. But, at that moment, amidst all of the turmoil and transition in my life, the words somehow brought me back to the simplicity of offering my all to the Lord “with a strong and honest wish to be the best that I can be at what I am, without a thought for me, Lord, teach me how to be sincerely yours.”


Sincerely Yours

Words & Music: Gary Chapman


Lord, I take my pen to write to You a letter
Knowing even now You know what's on my mind.
But I think perhaps it might make me feel better
If I see myself here written in a line.

As I close I see a phrase I took for granted
And it leaps out as I see it written there
As the truth of it begins to become planted
These two words have now become my heartfelt prayer ~

Sincerely Yours, 
Lord I sign myself to You
Sincerely Yours,
With a Strong and honest wish
To be the best that I can be at what I am 
Without a thought for me
Lord teach me how to be ...

Sincerely Yours,
Without a proud or selfish line
Sincerely Yours,
From now until there is no time
Please make my life become a letter you can keep
And never throw away
I'll write until the day
That I become

Sincerely Yours,
Sincerely Yours,
Sincerely Yours,
Sincerely ~ Yours. 

Rain Your Love

1981 - Tim Pedigo - Rain Your Love

     “The garden of my heart is dry; longing for the clouds to cry and rain your love from heaven high. I need you, Lord, I need you.” What an opening! I’ve always been a fan of songs with great word pictures and solid lyrical content. The emotions of the words and their marriage to the music has always kept this song on my favorites list. I also hold the memory of standing in Great Circle Sound Studio at the Benson Company staring at, what seemed to me to be, a huge microphone and for the first time hearing someone say, “ Okay, we’re gonna record this!”......then this track began to play.


Rain Your Love

Words & Music: Johnny Hall


The garden of my heart is dry

Longing for the clouds to cry

And rain Your love from heaven high

I need you Lord, I need you

Your love is fresh like the fallen rain

It clams my spirit, soothes the pain

But somehow I went wrong again

And I need You, Lord…I need You.


Won’t You rain, rain, 

Rain Your love an me again

Let it fill this empty cup 

And quench this thirst for love that’s killing me

Oh, Lord, now I don’t ask that it pour

I just can’t go this way any more

So, here and now

Rain Your love on me again.


I used to pray for sunny skies

Thinking that my prayer was wise

But I never stopped to realize

With too much sun the flower dies

And so, I’ve withered in my hast

I’m brittle, parched…a barren waste

And now I long for just a taste of Your love

Lord, rain it from ab above


Won’t You rain, rain, 

Rain Your love an me again

Let it fill this empty cup 

And quench this thirst for love that’s killing me

Oh, Lord, now I don’t ask that it pour

You see, I just can’t go this way any more

So, here and now

Rain Your love on me again.

Unconditional Love

1987 - Davis/Pedigo - Davis/Pedigo Live Volume 1

    I do not claim to be a keyboard player although I can find my way around in a couple of keys. What this means is that most of my writing is done in my head. I know, it sounds sort of weird, doesn’t it? I tend to write as if I’m hearing a song on the radio. At least it sounds that way in my head. This means I then have to translate the music to a real keyboard player. Fortunately, I have been privileged to work with some very gifted musicians. This particular song was somewhat of a challenge though. The trouble is that the chorus starts in one key, then moves through two or three other keys before it finally ends in the original key. The musicians were not happy with me. At any rate, it did require some concentration to perform. 

     We did have one humorous and near disastrous moment with this song. While doing a concert in Little Rock, Arkansas, we sang this song. It normally is one of those moments during a concert when the audience just listens. Well, somewhere during the first chorus a man on the second row literally leaped over the first row of chairs and began to worship with some loud, “Whoop, whoop, woos” as he began to run the aisles. Needless to say, the audience was stunned, the musicians almost totally forgot what key the song was in, and we made up enough words to get us back on track at the second verse. The problem now was that absolutely everyone in the place was tickled and, by the time we ended the song, wanting to burst out with laughter. We stopped and had a good laugh and then continued with the concert.  


Unconditional Love

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo


Having all the right to change things

By His right He could refuse

Why should He, the spotless Lamb

Take this abuse.

Three short years of endless teaching

Have His ways and words been learned?

There’s no guarantee His sacrifice

Of love will be returned.


Unconditional love is all Jesus offered

Unconditional love unselfishly He gave

Unconditional love reached out to millions dying

So, their dying souls could live

And all He did was give 

Unconditional love.


And though He sought their love completely

There was no force within His voice

He’d already given them the right 

To make a choice

And knowing this He never wavered

He decided still to give

He said, “If my death will bring eternal life

Then I choose to let them live.”


Unconditional love is all Jesus offered

Unconditional love unselfishly He gave

Unconditional love reached out to millions dying

So, their dying souls could live

And all He did was give 


Unconditional love.  (Is reaching out to you)

Unconditional love   (Is reaching out to me)

That same love that sacrificed 

So that I could be set free

That same love, love me unconditionally … 


Love was all Jesus offered

Unconditional love unselfishly He gave

Unconditional love reached out to millions dying

So, their dying souls could live

And all He did was give 

Unconditional love.

Unconditional love.

I Am Is Enough

1990 - Alexandria Sanctuary Choir - Praisin’ Live

     I had heard Bro. Mike Williams preach a sermon, “I Am…The God Who Is Enough”, which was the inspiration for this song. I had finished the chorus and a verse but, for some reason never completed it. When the time came to record the “Praisin’ Live” project, we were about five songs short with only two weeks to go. We set aside a Friday night and dedicated it to writing those songs. With the help of the Lord, we managed to meet the challenge. At some point in the evening, I remembered this song and brought it up. With a little help on the music for the bridge it was completed and became the opening song on the recording. Ironically, the next February, at Because Of The Times, the songs that best matched the first four or five sermons were...you guessed it; the songs that were written that Friday night.


I AM…Is Enough

Words: Tim Pedigo

Music: Tim Pedigo & Geron Davis


I AM is enough to overcome any obstacle

I AM is enough to overcome the impossible

For His name’s a strong mighty tower

And in Him there’s strength and power

For He is Lord of Lords

And I know for sure

That the Great I AM is enough


There is no equal to His power, His glory, and grace

Compared to others He supremely reigns

There is no limit to His mercy or His overcoming power

He’s an ever-present tower and in Him we’re safe.


I AM is enough to overcome any obstacle

I AM is enough to overcome the impossible

For His name’s a strong mighty tower

And in Him there’s strength and power

For He is Lord of Lords

And I know for sure

That the Great I AM is enough



Trust in Him and never be afraid

For in this mighty fortress we are safe


Chorus X2

They That Wait

1993 - Davis/Pedigo - Faithful

     The idea that kept coming back to me in the writing of this song was,

“keep it simple!” Isaiah 40:31 is such a strong scripture of hope and inspiration that it only made since to make sure that the musical idea was not so complex or overpowering that the message got lost in the process. So, for the most part, the melody remains fairly simple and the chord structure hovers around the one chord of the home key. This allows the lyric to be repeated many times over. I also wanted a contrast in the underlying rhythms of the band and the words of the song. Whereas the music tends to have a driving pace (life), the lyrics, “they that wait on the Lord”, keeps a slower and more steady rhythm (life in His timing).


They That Wait

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo



They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength

They shall mount up with wings like an eagle

They shall run and not be weary 

They shall walk and not faint

There’s an answer for those who will wait.


Through the tears of sorrow

From the depths of despair

I hear a voice calling

Come and draw near

For I’ve heard your petition

And I’ve heard every prayer

Now trust in my power and wait.




He understands frustration

He’s aware your need

And He’s faithful to answer 

Those who believe

And His timing is perfect

It’s a part of His plan

So trust in His wisdom and wait.


Chorus – X2


Wait on the Lord 

            Show, show a little patience

Mount up with wings

            You know the Lord will take you over

Wait on the Lord

            You know you can stand on every promise


            In His time the Lord is ever faithful to answer.

There’s an answer for those who will wait

There’s an answer for those who will wait



Living By Faith

1995 - Calvary Tabernacle Mass Choir - Sharing The Gospel

     Sometimes the biggest surprises or gifts come out of pressure situations. They say gold and diamonds come to fruition from the fire or from a pressurized vein in the earth. This song was written under-the gun, so to speak. I had the idea for it already mapped out and the chorus was finished. I even knew what I wanted to say in the verses, but how exactly was I to start saying it? We were down to the week of the live recording and the men’s ensemble that was going to be singing it was getting a little antsy. We learned the chorus on Monday of the performance week. I begged for a little long-suffering, and by Wednesday, I had the bridge finished so we learned it that evening. Finally, at around 4:00 p.m. on the day of the concert I had completed the verses. I had large print cheat sheets taped all over the monitors on the platform during the recording.


Living By Faith

Words & Music: Tim Pedigo


Some people trust in houses and lands

Some people trust what they hold in their hands

Some believe in only what they can feel

Some think only what they see is real

But I believe that there's a power above

That leads me and guides and keeps me with love


I'm living by faith and not by sight 

Trusting in His power and not my own might

Believing that by the grace of God I'm gonna make it through

It makes no difference what comes my way

I'm gonna face it unafraid

And keep walking this narrow way..... living by faith


Don't put your trust in the wisdom of man

Don't put your faith in the strength of your hand

Don't believe you have the power to control

The things you face while walking down this road

(You can believe) That there's a power far greater than man

His strength has no limits, His love never ends



Faith is the substance of things hoped for

Evidence of things not seen

Faith is the key that unlocks the door

You've just gotta believe

I Bowed On My Knees And Cried Holy

1998 - Tim Pedigo - Reminiscence

     I’ve included this song here because, although I’ve never recorded it before, I feel like I should have. I have had the opportunity and privilege to sing it with a number of choirs over the years and it always winds up on the most requested list. I’m not sure I could say anything new about the song itself. So many people have made wonderful recordings of it. But, I can honestly say that few songs ever bring the comfort of the Holy Spirit like this one. Every time it is sung you will see hands lifted up, eyes filled with tears, and the movement of lips singing along with whoever happens to be at the microphone.


I Bowed On My Knees And Cried Holy

Words & Music: Harold Lane


I dreamed of a city called Glory,                            

So bright and so fair.

When I entered the gates I cried, "Holy"             

The angels all met me there:

They carried me from mansion to mansion,        

And oh the sights I saw,

But I said, "I want to see Jesus,

The One who died for all."


Then I bowed on my knees and cried,

"Holy, Holy, Holy."

I clapped my hands and sang, "Glory,

Glory to the Son of God."

I bowed on my knees and cried,

"Holy, Holy, Holy."

Then I clapped my hands and sang, "Glory,

Glory to the Son of God."


As I entered the gates of that city,

My loved ones all knew me well.

They took me down the streets of Heaven;

Such scenes were too many to tell;

I saw Abraham, Jacob, and Isaac 

Talked with Mark, and Timothy

But I said, "I want to see Jesus,

'Cause He's the One who died for me."

Blessed, Broken & Given

Lari Goss

1981 - Tim Pedigo - Rain Your Love

     Lari Goss was the arranger for this project. You talk about wide-eyed with wonder; I remember sitting in the control room during the rhythm, string, and horn sessions and looking through the glass at many of the people that I had only read about on other people’s album jackets.

At the time of this recording, we weren’t sure if I’d be allowed to record this song. Larnelle Harris was in the studio working on a new project and he had already recorded it. Sometimes record companies get a little protective of a song that is being recorded by their artists. But, they gave us permission to include it. Maybe that’s because Lari wrote the song and he was arranging my album. 

     This was the last song to be completed. We went to the studio the night before we began to do the final mix to record my vocals on it. Lari had finished the entire track using my demo vocal. The engineer checked the mic levels for me and then we made a test run or two. At last, the engineer asked me if I was ready and I told him I was. The suggestion was made to offer up a prayer of thanksgiving for the Lord’s help on this recording and to ask for a special anointing to be placed on it. They turned the lights in the studio down and everybody got settled in. The track began to roll and I started singing. Something special happened in that room at that moment. The Lord moved in and, as it were, sat down on the stool beside me. It was clearly a moment that every singer dreams of. 

     When the last note echoed away into silence there was, what seemed to be, an eternal pause. In my limited experience of studio work, I had a feeling that something quite extraordinary had just occurred, but I wasn’t sure. After about three minutes of silence, the lights in the control room came on to reveal Bob McKenzie, the president of the Benson Co., and some of the other executives who had been in a meeting and decided to drop in on us. They all had handkerchiefs and were wiping tears from their eyes. It seemed as though another minute of so passed before Bob pressed the intercom button and said, “That was a real fine job. I don’t think I would change a thing.” So, we didn’t. The entire six minutes, or so, was recorded in that one pass. Is it perfect? Well, I’m not sure about that. But I am sure that no amount of fixing or re-singing would have recreated that moment or made this recording any better.

     About six months later, the song was taken off of Larnelle’s record because the record company decided that he had too many slow songs and his album needed more energy. To my knowledge, this is the only recording of Blessed, Broken, and Given that exists is by CeCe Winans.               



Lari Goss

Two men walked on the road to Emmaus

Blind to a stranger they met on their way

Late in the evening they asked Him to supper

To break bread together at the close of the day

The stranger took the bread, bowed His head, then asked for a blessing

Then He broke it into pieces of three

He gave to these blind men this bread, blessed and broken

And suddenly their blinded eyes did see.


This bread was blessed far more than I could ere imagine

It was touched by God’s grace more than I’ll ever know

And then it was broken by the hand of the Savior

To bring sight to the blind men that met Him that day

After the blessing, after the breaking

It was given to bring sight to these men

When it was blessed, when it was broken

And after it was given, 

He blessed it and broke it again and again.


His life was blessed far more than I could ere imagine

It was touched by God’s grace more than I’ll ever know

And then He was broken by the hand of the Father

To bring sight to all blind men who are lost on their way

After God blessed Him, after God broke Him

He was given to bring sight to all men

For when He was blessed, when He was broken

And after He was given, 

God blessed Him and broke Him again and again


My life is blessed far more than I could ere imagine

I’ve been touched by God’s grace more than I’ll ever know

So now let me be broken through your suffering and your sorrow

Let me feel what you felt when you were broken for me

After my blessing, after my breaking 

Let me be given to bring sight to all men

For when I’ve been blessed, when I’ve been broken

And after I’ve been given, 

Lord bless me, Lord break me again and again.

Lord bless me, Lord break me again and again.


1983 - Davis/Pedigo - Messengers

     This song was written as a way for us to say so long at the end of concerts without having to say goodbye. Goodbye just seemed so final. We wanted everyone to know that we planned to see them again. I guess we could have said, “So long”, or “See you later”, “Until we meet again”, or “Happy Trails” but, we chose the simplicity of “Farewell” to say..... well you’ll hear what we chose “Farewell” to say when you listen to this CD. 

     Speaking of farewells, I’ll also take this opportunity to say “THANKS” for taking a walk down my musical memory lane with me. These are a few in the collection of songs that have been requested over the years. My prayer is that they will once again be a blessing to you. I’ll end this chapter by saying, “THANKS”, again for allowing me to sing in your homes, in your cars, or wherever you happen to listen to music. For now....”FAREWELL.”



Words & Music: Tim Pedigo & Geron Davis


Farewell, may the Lord go with you

Farewell, May you rest within His hands

Farewell, may His lovelight shine upon you

We’ll not say “Goodbye,” we’ll only say “Farewell.”